Saturday, October 31, 2009

Random Stuff

At the Beach.
Playing with cousin Clifton at the park in Loveland.
Hudson's model pose.

At the pumpkin festival.
If you think I'm sexy, come on baby let me know! :)
My pizza masterpiece.
The chefs.

October 2009 Snowstorm

I know we live in Colorado, but we got a pretty good amount of snow in October this year. Which is kind of unusual. We got about 24 inches. Hudson had to 2 snow days from school. His first official snow days from school. I'm sure when he gets older he will appreciate them more. We got to have some fun playing in the snow too. By Saturday it was 60 degrees. :)
I've fallen and I can't get up. My mom put so many clothes on me.
Me making a snow angel.
This snow tastes good. Notice the rosey cheeks.
I got an extra workout in pulling Hdson in the sled.

Coming home from work.

Finally...Happy Halloween!

It's been awhile. I'm sure a ton of stuff as happened between now and my last post, but I decided to just fresh with latest pictures.
We had a fun Halloween this year. Pete of course worked his artistic magic and carved 4 great pumpkins. My favorites are the brain pumpkin and Frankenstein one.

The morning of Halloween we went up to the Lookout Mountain Nature Center for a Trek or Treat. It was a little hike with candy along the way. If you can't tell from the picture, but Hudson was a Train Engineer this year.
On our way to trick or treating.
Pete's masterpieces.
Love the brains on this one.
This is my favorite I think.
Is that a witch leg Hudson sees?
We went to the Aspen Grove outdoor shopping center for trick or treating this year. It was a nice night, not too cold. Hudson got plenty of candy.
Look Mom! It's chocolate and peanut butter.
Hudson had to stop and check out his loot.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Call her Speedy!

My very good friend Elisha also ran the Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon. I just wanted to give her her own post because I'm so proud of her. She killed this marathon. She was a blur whenever I saw her. She is an amazing runner and I wish I had 1/2 her speed. She ran the marathon in 3 hours and 25 minutes. She qualifed for the Boston Marathon in April. Maybe as I get older and get more time to qualify I will get to run Boston one day. Congratulations Elisha, oops I mean Speedy! Love ya!


Well if you remember my Holy Crap post from below I was worried about finishing my marathon. I finished the marathon in 4 hours and 10 minutes. It was my slowest marathon, but I was happy with my time considering my injury and the hills. This was my 3rd marathon. Overall it was a good experience. The course was a little hilly and a little warm toward the end. The scenery was nice on the course. I had 2 friends running the marathon and I got to see them a couple different times on the course, which was nice. My aunt and uncle who I stayed with in Seattle came down to the finish. I think there were shocked that there were so many crazy people like me running 26.2 miles.
Here I come down the hill. Just before this at mile 25 was a hill. I thought I might die. Who puts a hill at mile 25? Thank you to Walton's for these pictures.

I'm smiling. That is a good thing at mile 26.
Oh Stop!
Becky, Elisha and Me with our finishing medals.

The Loot!

Hudson made out like a bandit for his birthday this year. He got a new bike, tons of puzzles, a desk and too many things to list. Thank you everyone!


For Hudson's Birthday Lola came out to visit. It was good to see her and Hudson loves his Lola! My mom also came out, but for some reason we didn't get any shots with her. You can see her in the montage below. Thanks to both grandma's for making Hudson's Birthday extra special. We appreciate you being here.